Player Profile

11Dave Keffer"Kef"
Player Info
Birthdate 12/04/1968
Position Forward / Midfielder
Nation USA
smasl Summer 2017 Stats
Goals 14
Assists 6
Malibu United Career Stats
Goals 145
Assists 106
"Kef" is sometimes known as the shaved-headed-warrior due to his close-cropped hair and his indisputable passion for the game. Never afraid to get stuck in and tackle hard, he can also match the flashy players' flicks and tricks. He has been a Malibu player since the mid-nineties when manager Whalen discovered him playing a makeshift game on the beach with three children, two buckets, and an orange. A wonderful ambassador for the game, Keffer's name is the first to be chanted from tiers during matches. He has been rumored to have been offered a position on the board of the US Soccer Federation, but he is reluctant to accept until his knees give out as expected midway through the current season.

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